March 9, 2025

How To Use Open Facebook Targeting To Maximise Sales In Your Subscription Box Business.

If you want to learn how we are currently using Facebook ads to acquire thousands of new Subscribers on a regular basis this post will help you.

I think we can all agree that the IOS changes have made things a lot more difficult. When Apple announced the changes regarding privacy I don’t think anybody could predict the impact it would have.

Facebook ads and online advertising in general has become more challenging over the last 12 months.

If you don’t know what you are doing it is very difficult to keep acquiring customers repeatedly.

We really were blessed a few years ago when it came to advertising because a lot of these platforms did the heavy lifting for us.

That has changed now and if you want to be successful you need to have all the correct pieces in place.

The good news is, even with all these changes you can still succeed.

That means if you understand marketing and have strong fundamentals, there is still a lot of opportunity and you can still grow a really successful Subscription Box business.

In this article I am going to explain to you how we are structuring our Facebook, campaigns to get the maximum number of Subscribers signed up.

Campaign Structure

Back in the day I was a big fan of putting purchase lookalikes into separate ABO Ad sets and building a campaign out that way.

That way of doing things still does work well and I have been testing it again recently.

If you want a more detailed breakdown on that I would recommend checking out my blog. I have a lot of advice around that there.

I think that is a great way to test a campaign at the start and you can also scale it up by duplicating ad sets and looking to hit new pockets of the audience.

What is working very well for us at the minute with a bigger budget is Broad / Open Targeting.

This sounds a bit mad, but if you have been advertising for a while and your pixel has a lot of data give it a go and you may be pleasantly surprised.

This is how we do it.

We set up a brand new CBO campaign and only create one ad set. We then don’t touch the targeting options or placements at all.

The only thing we pick is the country and that is completely it.

We leave it targeting both genders and all ages.

The only thing we change is we exclude all of our customers and sometimes we exclude everybody who interacted with one of our ads in the last 30 days.

We then create 6 – 8 ads.

The ads need to be a combination of videos and images so you hit everybody in the audience.

FB knows which people are likely to respond to which ad type so it’s important that you do this to ensure you hit everybody.

When you set your campaign up like this you are giving the algorithm a massive amount of freedom to go out and find your ideal customer.

This works really well. Especially if you are looking to scale and spend more money.

You are trusting Facebook and you are giving yourself a massive audience pool. So you can start with a high budget from day 1.

Now this will not work with a tiny budget. If you are only planning to spend $25 a day this is not the best way to do it.

You should look into what I mentioned at the start of the article or alternatively reduce the number of ads. If you have 6-8 ads and a low budget there won’t be enough spend for them to all get data and optimise.

So you can test reducing the number of them in the adset but truthfully to get this to really work well you need to be spending a few hundred a day minimum.

Another campaign structure which is working very well is something which is similar to this but you include more ad sets.

This is how you set it up.

  1. You create a CBO campaign, but you include 4 ad sets this time.

2. The first ad set is the open targeting that we mentioned above.

3.The second ad set is interest based targeting

4. The third ad set is purchase lookalikes 1 – 5%

5. The fourth ad set is other lookalikes stacked together like video views, page views add to carts etc..

You then create 6 – 8 ads and duplicate them into each ad set. This campaign structure can work extremely well. You are giving Facebook a lot of different options to spend your budget and find the best results for that.

The only thing with this is if you want it to really work you need a big budget because there are way more things Facebook needs to test.

So deffo do not do this  structure unless you are ready to spend a decent amount of money every single day.

Now one thing I need to make 100% clear is you need to have everything perfect in your sales process otherwise it does not matter how you structure your campaign nobody will buy.

It’s very important that you know how to set up a campaign correctly, but this is only one piece of the puzzle.

If you have these 3 things in place it will work very well for you though.

  1. Good product

2. Offer that converts

3. Website that converts

Once you get one of these working, what I have found as a great way to increase the budget is to simply duplicate the entire campaign and raise the budget on the duplicated one.

That way, if it breaks you can still go back to the original one.

I hope you found this article helpful. Facebook ads can still be a massive driver of Subscription Box sales. I know this because we are still getting a lot of people signed up from them every single month.

If you have any questions about Campaign structure, Facebook ads or subscription boxes in general please let me know.

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