March 9, 2025

How To Convert More Subscribers With A Facebook Retargeting Campaign

In this post, I will share a retargeting strategy that can be used to seriously boost your ROI when advertising on Facebook. We have used this exact tactic to help us sign up thousands of people and keep the CPA down as well. This works really well in a subscription box, but it will also work with pretty much any business. I think it would be especially effective if you were selling high ticket courses and would help to get a lot of customers through your door.

In my previous posts, I have explained what everybody should be doing with Facebook ads. I was mainly focused on cold traffic and didn’t really get into what you can do behind the scenes though. A key element of any successful Facebook marketing campaign will heavily involve setting up your retargeting correctly. For anybody who doesn’t know what that means let me explain. A retargeting campaign is what happens after somebody visits your website and doesn’t convert. Using Facebooks Pixel you can track every single visitor who didn’t buy from you and then advertise to them again normally for cheaper.

Here’s how the typical retargeting campaign works.

  1. Somebody visits your website
  2. They don’t convert.
  3. You start retargeting them and they see your ads everywhere they go all over the internet.
  4. The ad is static and 9 times out of 10 is a rehash of the cold traffic ad you used to originally target them.
  5. You don’t put much thought into this part of your advertising, but you see some cheap sales so you are happy. (Most of the time at low volume)

This is how I used to retarget for a long time. Until one day it dawned on me I was leaving thousands of euro on the table. What I eventually realised was people are different and each person will have their own reasons as to why they won’t sign up to your box. What everybody should be doing as good marketers is finding a way to fight every single one of these objections and get these potential customers over the line.

Introducing the 10-day rapid fire objection fighter.

A good salesperson will be armed with ways of fighting each objection and this is how you should think as well. If you don’t know the reasons why somebody wouldn’t sign up to your box here’s a tip. More often than not they are the same reasons people are cancelling your box. So, pull your cancellation data and check. If you haven’t been keeping track of the data, then email all past customers and find out why they cancelled.

Now go to Facebook and set up your retargeting like this.

2 Day Window
Target: Anybody who visited your website in the last 2 days and didn’t convert.
Exclude: Any customers.
Ad: Make an ad fighting the biggest objection of why somebody wouldn’t sign up to your box. E.G You do a Gym Box and the main objection is some potential customers think your workouts are too basic. Your ad will focus on the fact your box will help people with all levels of fitness.

4 Day Window
Target: Anybody who visited your website in the last 4 days and didn’t convert.
Exclude: Anybody who visited your website in the last 2 days / Any customers
Ad: This ad should be set up fighting the second biggest objection as to why somebody wouldn’t sign up for your box.

6 Day Window
Target: Anybody who visited your website in the last 6 days and didn’t convert.
Exclude: Anybody who visited your website in the last 4 days / Any customers
Ad: This ad should be set up fighting the third biggest objection as to why somebody wouldn’t sign up for your box.

8 Day Window
Target: Anybody who visited your website in the last 8 days and didn’t convert:
Exclude: Anybody who visited your website in the last 6 days / Any customers
Ad: You have fought a lot of objections at this stage. So I would now recommend showing these potential customers some testimonials explaining how great your box is.

10 Day Window
Target: Anybody who visited your website in the last 10 days and didn’t convert:
Exclude: Anybody who visited your website in the last 8 days / Any customers
Ad: This is the final part of the retargeting sequence and you should let the customer know this. Remind them this is the last chance to buy your box and if they don’t go for it now whatever offer you are running will expire and your box will go back to full price.

If you set this up correctly. You are successfully moving potential customers through a retargeting sequence. Every 2 days a customer will see a new ad fighting an objection. They will no longer see any of the previous ads that didn’t convert them. At certain points in the sequence, you will hit the objection on the head that is preventing that customer from signing up. Once somebody signs up they will stop seeing the ads straight away. If somebody gets to day 10 and they still haven’t signed up for your box they won’t’ see any more ads. I believe if they haven’t signed up by day 10 of the sequence they probably never will. So, there is no point wasting money trying to market to them anymore

This may seem complicated to set up, but it becomes easy once you get used to it. I would highly recommend everybody take some time and think of how they can implicate something like this into their business.


  1. Cheaper CPA
  2. Cut down on wasted Ad spend
  3. More Sign-Ups

As I stated. Doing things like this has helped us sign up thousands of people over the last few years. Normal retargeting is good, but putting a system in place like this can really boost your ROI and it makes complete sense for the customer. If anybody has any questions about it. Just let me know and I would be happy to help.

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